Tool Available Page

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Set of Desert Ironwood Chisels and a Popeye Awl (Chisels are Sold)

This weeks accomplishments include a 6 piece of set of Desert Ironwood chisels and an Awl.

You may think this set of chisels looks quite similar to the chisels in the last post and I would have to agree but there is one significant difference. The steel used in the blades is Japanese Hitachi White Paper steel.

The Hitachi steel is proclaimed to be very pure steel and I have to say I could tell a difference as soon as I started roughing out the blades in the bandsaw. This stuff works lovely. Given the expense of obtaining this material I'm glad there were more benefits than just a difference in the hardened results.

 The White Paper Steel requires just a bit more effort at the sharpening stones as compared to most high carbon tool steel but it feels great on the stone and the edge that results from that effort is most satisfying. It visibly came to a higher polish. A while back I made myself a set of chisels from this material and the edge life is surprising.

Considering the price of the White Paper Steel these chisels are priced at $110 each with $5 per chisel discount for purchasing the entire set of 6. Total $630.

Oh and the awl. I've decided it's a Popeye because it's an Olive Awl. Yep, I just dated myself. What the heck, you are the age that you are.

Chisels are sold. Check back as I will be posting sets as I have them completed.
