Tool Available Page

Thursday, October 29, 2020

New Additions to the Tools Available Page

 Recent additions to the Tools Available Page as of January 28th, 2021. 

To purchase visit the "Tools Available page"

Pair of  Resin Infused Curly maple 18 degree Skew Chisels, 3/8" wide



Resin Infused Cherry Awl with removable blade feature and lye aged finish.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Most Recent Set of Dovetail Chisels

 I recently completed this set of Dovetail chisels using Resin Infused Curly Maple for the handles. I also implemented a new ferrule design. The change is not obvious as it is concealed in the handle. The new ferrules feature an integrated threaded stud that actually threads into the handle and once thread locked it becomes integrated into the wooden handle.



This new feature allows all the components to become one thing and makes the final assembly a bit more predictable as well.


You may also notice a bit of a different shape in the handle. As new ideas emerge I prototype and add the details that prove to be an enhancement.

I had intended to list these chisels on the Tools Available page today but a former customer discovered that I had these in process and contacted me about purchasing them. Chisels are SOLD.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

New Items Added to the Tool Available page on 9/2/20

The last Awls I added to the Tools Available page sold out quite quickly. I've just added 3 more of these awls to the tools available page as of 9/2/20.

To access that page follow this link. Tools Available

If you have any questions please contact me at

Saturday, August 15, 2020

New Tools Available Page

All Awls are sold. 

The awls featured in the last post sold quite quickly so I set about making another small batch of these tools in various woods. I also thought this might be a good time to create a page specifically for the tools that I have available for sale at any given time. Tools Available link.

When looking at group pictures of these tools I can't help thinking that they look a lot like lollipops in a candy store.  Such an array of color courtesy of Ma Nature and some judicious shaping and polishing.

I decided to see how an awl made from Desert Iron wood would be. There is a large variation of color in this material and this case it's a very earthy color of orange. I was instantly smitten.

As mentioned in the last post these awls have a feature that allows for removing the blade so as to re-grind, or sharpen if you may, the tip. These are furnished with the appropriate allen key and an extra set screw.

The Tools Available page is available at this link or from the page listing at the top of the main blog page.


Monday, August 10, 2020

Awl Issue Resolved

I have more awls than any one person needs. That's because I have an issue with awls. When the tip of an awl becomes less than sharp it will skid and not hold locations as compared to a sharp tipped awl. This is especially a problem on end grain when marking centers in preparation for turning blanks. Because the blades are permanently fixed in those awls it's not an easy thing to regrind a perfectly symmetrical tip.

I guess if I really wanted I could fashion a jig to accomplish this task but as of late I've just made a new awl.

The obvious solution is to make an awl with a removable blade that is then easily chucked into a drill and spun against an abrasive to create a newly sharpened tip. This past week I've made a prototype of such an awl and have also made a small production run of removable blade awls.

Tools that have replaceable features can easily become clunky and awkward to look at so it was important to me to retain elegance while incorporating this feature. I'm quite satisfied with the result.

The only difference is a small 6-32 set screw recessed into the ferrule opposite the side with the "B" makers mark. In use your hand never knows it's there but when you need to sharpen the tip......well there you go.

Of course it will be necessary to supply these awls with an allen key and extra set screw. A 6-32 x 3/16" long set screw can go missing pretty quickly if dropped. Don't ask me how I know.

Once removed and sharpened one just aligns the small notch in the blade with the set screw hole, slides the blade all the into the top until it bottoms out, and then tightens the set screw and once again it's solid as a rock. The set screw has an extended tip that engages the slot and locks the blade.

The three awls that I have in this offer are Macassar Ebony on the left, 
Olivewood in the middle and resin infused curly maple on the right.

These awls are $78 each, plus $7 shipping and handling to anywhere in the lower 48 states. Basically $85.00 shipped.

If interested contact me via email at:

Saturday, August 1, 2020

It's Hot!!! (Chisels are Sold)

It's mid summer here and too hot to be outside much after mid morning these days. Luckily we're having afternoon thunderstorms and that cools things off in the evening. Makes for better porch sitting time in the evenings.

I've suspended outdoor projects for a while and have retreated into the shop to resume tool making.

I've recently completed another set of the diminutive Dove Tail chisels. This set features resin infused very curly maple handles. My friend and saw maker Ron Bontz is set up to do this infusing work and has a good bit of experience in the process. The maple turns much nicer after being infused and the figure is dazzling.

Sizes are 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 and 1/2".

I've used Presco 0-1 tool steel for the blades on this set. It's a very high quality tool steel. It's the same tool steel I've used and enjoyed for plane irons.

The edges have near zero land and the side bevels are 20 degrees. 

Enjoy the rest of the summer, stay cool and safe,


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Set of Desert Ironwood Chisels and a Popeye Awl (Chisels are Sold)

This weeks accomplishments include a 6 piece of set of Desert Ironwood chisels and an Awl.

You may think this set of chisels looks quite similar to the chisels in the last post and I would have to agree but there is one significant difference. The steel used in the blades is Japanese Hitachi White Paper steel.

The Hitachi steel is proclaimed to be very pure steel and I have to say I could tell a difference as soon as I started roughing out the blades in the bandsaw. This stuff works lovely. Given the expense of obtaining this material I'm glad there were more benefits than just a difference in the hardened results.

 The White Paper Steel requires just a bit more effort at the sharpening stones as compared to most high carbon tool steel but it feels great on the stone and the edge that results from that effort is most satisfying. It visibly came to a higher polish. A while back I made myself a set of chisels from this material and the edge life is surprising.

Considering the price of the White Paper Steel these chisels are priced at $110 each with $5 per chisel discount for purchasing the entire set of 6. Total $630.

Oh and the awl. I've decided it's a Popeye because it's an Olive Awl. Yep, I just dated myself. What the heck, you are the age that you are.

Chisels are sold. Check back as I will be posting sets as I have them completed.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Recently Completed Set of Chisels with Desert Ironwood Handles (This Set of Chisels is Sold)

I had intended to post this latest set of small Dovetail chisels earlier this week but a very close encounter with a tornado delayed things a bit. The line of storms that ripped thru the southeast Sunday night to early Monday morning caused a lot of havoc. We were awakened at 2:00 am Monday morning by our phones instructing us to "TAKE SHELTER NOW!!!"

We heard the distinctive roar of the tornado as we were standing in our bedroom closet and then it was over. We made the assumption that the tornado had passed over in the upper atmosphere. The next morning revealed a much different reality.

The tornado was a mile wide and was on the ground for 10 miles. The edge of the swath of destruction it left was literally 100 yards from our house. We were unbelievably lucky. Less than 2 miles from our property a house was moved from it's foundation intact and deposited in the middle of a state highway.  Just a bit too close to OZ.

We were without power or cell service for 2 days. Obviously that wasn't much of an inconvenience compared to the devastating effect the storm had on the lives of the people in the path of destruction.

Now about the chisels. This is a 4 piece set and as I like to have all the handles in a set from the same piece of wood, I could only coax 4 handles from this piece of wood. This is especially true of Desert Ironwood. It can be so different from one blank to the next.

The blades in this set are made from New Old Stock Sheffield England oil hardening tool steel.

The sizes in this set are 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" and 1/2". The way I layout dovetails this would be an ideal set for me as I rarely need a 3/16" wide chisel. The overall length is approximately 6". They vary slightly in length as a result of tang configuration and how far back they are ground to get in to the best metal at the tip. They come with a polished back and the bevels are honed to working sharpness.

As is typical of the chisels with Desert Iron wood handles these are priced at $95.00 each with a $5 per chisel discount for the purchase of the entire set making the total for the set $360.

If interested in purchasing contact me at:   

Once sold I will edit the post title indicating so.

Be safe and enjoy the extra time we have at home these days,


Monday, March 23, 2020

Dovetail Chisels, Something New and Interesting (Chisels are sold)

As a lot of you know I've been on somewhat of a hiatus from Tool making.  It's been refreshing to pursue other types of work and it renews the spirit of creativity. I have made some tools along the way but mainly for my own needs.

I built what I would consider my dream shop for a someone else last year. It was a major construction undertaking that I wasn't sure I could accomplish. As in a lot of situations you find that you're capable of a lot more than you can imagine. For quite a while we could work at our leisure and then cover everything from the elements. We did this thru putting in the foundation, framing the floor and subsequently framed the walls and had them laying flat on the floor system. We could still cover everything with tarps so the weather wasn't much of a worry but then there's the day when you stand up walls and then you have all that time and material exposed to the elements and then it's a push to get dried in. It was a lot for two old guys to do but after a bit of trial and tribulation there came the day when it rained no more in the building. I can't even begin to express the relief.

But I digress. I then began pursuing some woodworking projects that had long languished on my list of things I wanted to make. Most of those things were joined with dovetails in one manner or other. I had a very adequate array of chisels for this work but soon discovered that I did not have what I would consider an optimum set of chisels for these task. I found myself picking up and putting down tools really more than should be required and finally came to the realization that with a proper set of chisels I could eliminate a lot of unnecessary movements. I began putting together a list of criteria that would describe this set of chisels.

 I owned some shorter dovetail chisels that I really enjoyed, however they were 1/4" thick and given the way I typically layout my dovetails they would not fit between the ends of the tails to provide for incising the point where the side of the dovetail meets the baseline. In every case I had to put down one chisel to pick up another that was thin enough to fit.

Chopping base lines. When chopping to the baseline there should only be a minimal amount of material to be removed so an extravagant thickness is not required of a tool to accomplish this task. That sets one criteria. The second was length. It's nice to have a chisel short enough so that the base line where you're sticking the edge of the chisel and the top where you strike the chisel is in one line of sight. With longer chisels I would put the tip of the chisel in the base line and but when I changed my focus to where I would strike the handle the tip would move slightly. If you don't notice this then you end up with a wonky baseline. That sets another criteria to design for.

Personally I prefer good ole high carbon steel for my woodworking tools. At the last Forp Event where French/White oak was being worked profusely for days on end I noticed that everyone's chisels had serrated edges as the result of chopping in wood that had varying degrees of density. It didn't seem to matter if the chisels were A2 or PMV11 or High carbon steel. The end result was the same. The difference was in the time it takes to recover the edge. I realized years ago that a high speed steel edge that fractured took longer to recover than anytime one could possibly gain in edge longevity. I much prefer the sharper edge to be gained from using high carbon steel. I don't mind maintaining the edge as I work and when the edge does need to be restored with good technique it just doesn't take very long to be sharp and working again.

Evidently there are many others looking for a similar set of chisels because when I began posting pictures of the chisels I was making on my Instagram account I immediately started getting requests for these chisels. I took measures to get set up to produce these tools with a bit more efficiency and after a lot of trial and error and subsequent testing I was confident that I had a process by which to make very nice versions of these chisels.

The first 4 sets went out the door as soon as they were made and the set with Desert Ironwood handles pictured in this posting are the first I'll be offering for sale here on the blog.

As I mentioned this particular set has Desert Ironwood handles that all came from the same piece of timber. The ferrules are of course brass and the tool steel for the blades is New Old Stock Starret 0-1 tool steel. The overall length is 6". The sizes in this set are 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" and 1/2". They are ground to have zero land on the edges but that edge is then broken so that it doesn't cut one's fingers as they are used. It's as minimal a land as can be had and not be dangerous to the user. The backs are polished and they come honed and working sharp.

The blade tips are taken into the heat treating process in a blunt state so that portion doesn't take such a beating in the hardening process and are subsequently ground back twice prior to final honing to make sure they are worked back into good steel.

The pricing on chisels prior to this set was $80 each and a five dollar per chisel discount for purchase of an entire set. I've had to source this Desert Ironwood and it's quite pricey material, for that reason these are priced at $90 each or $425 for the set.

If you're interested in purchasing this set contact me via email by using the contact button at the top of the page. (This set sold rather quickly, I'll be posting new sets as they come available so check back if interested)

Ron Brese