Tool Available Page


My planes are constructed using only the best precision ground bronze bar, brass bar, tool steel and stainless steel. The most commonly requested infill woods are Rosewood, Ebony and Macassar Ebony finished with a garnet shellac polish. We also offer infills of Walnut and and at times we will use customer supplied woods as well. For metal bodied planes the tote and knob can be made from a wider selection of woods like Olive wood, Desert Ironwood and many others. For a full selection please consult the Brese Plane Web page. Available woods are listed on the page titled "Ordering a Brese Plane".

Special Edition planes will be offered with Rosewood or Ebony infill. My irons are made from 0-1 tool steel and hardened to R60-62. I polish the metal parts of these planes to a refinement of 400 grit, anything finer shows finger prints so readily it is not a practical pursuit. Each plane is assembled by hand  and fettled to user condition. In proper practice infill planes are used to take very light, some say fluffy shavings, this being the case, once set they are rarely adjusted. Our planes are offered without threaded adjusters. They can easily be adjusted with a light weight tinking hammer, and one can become quite proficient at this in a short period of time.

We followed the lead of knife makers in the choice of a stainless alloy for our Precision Stainless planes. Knife makers have used the 400 Series of stainless steels with great success for outdoor exposure in hunting applications. These alloys have proved corrosion resistant in the hardened, differentially hardened and annealed state. Our own testing of the 410 stainless has shown remarkable corrosion resistance in exposures more extreme than is normal for a handplane.

My Thoughts on Plane Making

        Planes are simple machines that have been over complicated over the years with gadgetry. I have found the fewer parts involved the better infill planes perform. In order for an infill plane to perform to its full potential several factors have to be considered and balanced carefully in it's design. Infills are known to be the tool for handling difficult to plane woods therefore these planes typically have irons bedded at steeper angles to accomplish this task. Steeper angles result in more heat generated at the cutting edge of the iron and more resistance in pushing the iron through the wood. Therefore more thickness is needed in the iron so as to absorb and dissipate this heat and more mass is required in the plane to help with the leverage of pushing the iron at this angle. In a steeply pitched plane mass is leverage, lighter planes can be steeply pitched but more effort is required on behalf of the user. Planes with sufficient mass for the size iron being used are a real pleasure to use and have a solid feel that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated. Mass equals leverage and this makes for less effort on the part of the user.

       My goal is to provide very fine planes that a larger segment of the woodworking population can purchase and enjoy.
