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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Christmas Aftermath

We had a very clean house prior to the kids and grand kids coming home for Christmas. As you might expect with the shear number of people going in and out of our house during this time our clean house was totally trashed and look nothing like the day they arrived. I'm not complaining, in fact I wouldn't have it any other way.

Julie and I delivered the last two to the airport Saturday morning and when we returned home we declared Christmas officially over. It was quiet was actually a little too quiet.

It really seemed that we had been to a week long dinner party. Meals are one of the highlights of the holidays and fortunately our children are "Foodies" and do a lot of the cooking. My son Daniel rose at 5:30 am on Christmas eve in order to start the smoking of two 8 pound briskets. 12 hours later we were in western style barbecue heaven. This was a new Christmas eve meal for us and I'm thinking it may become a tradition.

So now I'm turning my attention to what improvements I would like to make at the Brese Plane shop in the coming year. This is a great time of year for re-assessing. Reviewing operations required to complete planes and making plans to perform work better and more efficiently.

I know you're thinking, here we go again with New Years Resolutions. Actually that is not the case. Every year at this time I decide what operations need improvement and I see them through unlike resolutions that go by the wayside pretty quickly. I'll be starting with some changes to the way I work my irons. New grinder, new grinding wheels and a new set of Shapton Pro water stones.

I've set a pretty ambitious schedule for myself from now till the HandWorks show in Iowa this spring. It will be here quicker than you think. I hope to see your there.


"Here's to a new year. Giving our old habits a fresh start!"    Meredith Searcy

1 comment:

  1. Ron it sounds as though you, Julie and the family had a wonderful Christmas. Here is wishing you continued success in the new year. Hope to see you soon.
