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Friday, May 1, 2015

Enjoy Your Spring

As hectic as things are at this time with preparations for Handworks, spring goes on and has been happening here for several weeks. Our daffodils and jonquils have long since past their prime and are regenerating their energy for next years early spring appearance. This morning as I looked out the window of the shop I noticed the morning light was illuminating the autumn ferns with their new fronds shining the reddish gold color that makes them such a delight this time of year.

The variegated Hostas pictured below looked fresh and vibrant this morning with the dew still on their leaves and the dappled morning light making them look well........illuminated. By August the hostas will look dreary and depleted and from the harsh summer heat. Better enjoy them now.

The oak leaf hydrangeas have grown exponentially and give us privacy while enjoying the swing under the pergola

More of the new emerging growth of the ferns,

These hydrangeas will sport blue blooms this summer and give us some cool color when we'll need it most.

Spring is a time of new life and revival. I remember helping my father plant azaleas in the edge of the woods behind my family home. I asked him why we were planting them there. He explained that when they matured and bloomed he and my mother would be able to see them when looking out the large glass door in their den. Later in my Dad's life we experience a harsh, hot, dry summer. The azaleas we planted years before persevered and the next spring the color of the azaleas in the edge of the woods was particularly vibrant against the green back drop of the trees. My Dad reveled in the beauty of the azaleas that spring. I'm glad he enjoyed them, it turned out to be his last spring.

I didn't really mean to make this post a melancholy experience but it does help make my point. You only get some many springs in your life, take the time to enjoy them.

On a recent doctors visit my physician suggested it might be time to do some blood work just to establish a base line for further checkups. When the nurse called to give me the results of my test she told me everything was good but I had two deficiencies and I needed to spend more time outdoors in the sun and I needed to include more dairy products in my diet. I replied, "this is all good news,  you're saying that I need to do more fishing and eat more ice cream", she laughed and said "I like your interpretation". I now have my doctor's permission to take time to enjoy spring........and ice cream.


"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road."

Stephen Hawking


  1. Speaking of fathers and ice cream, Ron, I hope you read my new post:

  2. Thanks for the pictures. I am missing the Georgia spring (for the first time in my life, I guess!) These pictures bring back home to me. I love them. Enjoy it for me, please. We will have spring in England soon, I hope! Love, Melissa
